Sunday, 28 September 2014

City Scooter, Country Scooter

I've been away from here too long but hope to get back on track. I have lots of ideas and links to share and will get to them soon. But to begin's ride. It was my first in a couple of months. My battery has spent more time on the charger than in my scooter this summer which I regret. But I was tied up in selling a city house, buying a house in a small town, working and fitting in a writing assignment that involved a trip abroad (more on that later). And then moving and settling in. Something had to give and it was, among other things, my scooter.

Today, with most of the boxes unpacked and the house starting to feel like it actually belongs to us, I took the scooter out. It was a glorious today in our lush corner of the province. I've lived so long in a city that was so big it was impossible to just get out on a quiet country road. But not here. Everything is different. Cutting back and forth on country roads it's easy to avoid traffic and pick up speed (unlike in Toronto which is getting more congested all the time). Motorcyclists give friendly waves; cars don't honk if you're going a little slower than they'd like. The air smells of fruit, grass and manure here; there's not enough vehicles stopping and starting to build up that heavy exhaust odour.

In the city, I used my scooter to do errands and go to appointments. I can do the that here although the distances can be longer. But the rewards are purchases at farm stands, like the beet greens I love and found today at a very cheap price. In the city, I parked on the street where I was allowed to; here I park wherever I can. Pulling the scooter onto the stand is a little more tricky in fields and on the gravel sides of roads but there are ways around that. All in all, I'm ready to become a country scooter rider.

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